After reading the title you are probably not thinking that this is going to be an interesting blog because everybody has dreams. However you are very wrong. My dream last night was so insane and slightly hilarious (probably because I took a Nyquil, idk though)
My dream started off somewhere in Germany, no idea where. I'm not really aware of any location or towns in Germany except Berlin. Anyways, it started in Germany, during the time of World War II (maybe the first, it doesnt really matter). Here I was, a captain in the American army during the time of a World War, in a room about the size of a medium-sized closet. With me, there was about 20 other people and we were all being shot at. Oh, I forgot to mention that the room was all glass. Shooting + glass = not good. Then for some reason my dream like skipped forward a couple days. I have no idea why.
Well then I suddenly appeared at a park with a Pavilion and a tether-ball pole.
So here we are at a park with a tetherball pole and suddenly I just see one of the leaders of the other army (maybe Hitler?) tied to the tetherball pole and I was the one who taught him. So we thought the warm was over, but then all of a sudden we hear shots coming from this field near by. Naturally I, and I think at this point I was with my uncle (?), sister (?), and David Tate (?); well we decided to make a run for it. So apparently my uncle was an indian and owned a horse, so we went to his little horse stable thing and were hiding from the people that were shooting at us.
Then, so random, like all my extended family and the rest of my immediate family all came riding down the hill on bikes.
They looked almost exactly like the people above ( not at all). Anyways they all came down on bikes and we just hopped on some extra bikes, no idea we got them and rode of into the distance, never to go back. And that was how my dream ended.