Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More Camping

             So in my last post I was talking about the previous experiences I had while camping in the cold and wet climates.  Well this weekend might rank up there with the top experiences.  As I may have alluded to, this weekend was our church retreat in the town of Bourbon, MO. Now you may not think of Missouri as a cold weather climate, especially in the months of September and October, however I am here to tell that it is.  As always my brothers and I were not given a chance to sleep in our heated trailer, no, we "got" to sleep in the tent.  The first night I went to bed with no expectations at all, however around 1 o'clock in the morning I realized that it didn't matter if I was in the mountains in June, or Bourbon, MO in September, it was still cold.  So cold in fact that I could barely stand to sleep that night. I was only able to sleep until the very early hour of 5 o'clock at which point I went into the bathroom and took the best shower of my life for about an hour.
             The next night was just as bad if not worse.  First of all you have to understand that our tent is huge.  It has comfortably slept 7 people with room to spare.  However, even with all of that space, I was pinned against the edge of the tent with no room to roll. If I were to roll to the right I would be immediately met by the dew covered tent, but if I turned to the left my brother would be right there coughing and breathing right into my face.  Not pleasant to say the least.  That night was worst that the first, not by much though.  Thankfully the retreat was very good, good activities and a good speaker (don't ask about the food).  Needless to say I was incredibly glad to come home and sleep in my own warm bed with enough space to roll around.


  1. Trying to sleep while camping can be hard. Daytime naps in the hammock are much easier.
