Friday, September 30, 2011


            Today after much packing for our church retreat this weekend, I have officially decided that I never want to pack a camper-trailer one more time for the rest of my life.  It is a tiring and never ending job that starts about 3 days before we leave, depending on how long the vacation is, until the second that we pull out of our driveway.  As much as I cannot stand packing and loading our camper, I am very grateful that we have it, rather than having to camp in tents. We actually just purchased a new camper this summer and this will be our first time using it.  Of course it might sound like I actually get to sleep in the camper, but I don't.  Me and brothers have to brave the many different weathers in the tent.  There are a couple instances that come to mind.  
           The first was when we were in the Grand Tetons in Colorado in late May - early June.  Being those months we had thought that it was not going to be that cold so we didn't pack any of our winter clothes.  Bad mistake.  That night it probably got to about 20 degrees.  My brothers and I each had about 3 sweatshirts on, a few pairs of pants, and like 10 pairs of socks, while the rest of our family was in the heated camper, ugh.    
            The second instance was actually on the same vacation but about to weeks later.  Thankfully the weather had finally taken a turn for the better in terms of the temperature.  However we did not take into account the precipitation.  That night was the last night of our vacation and we were all ready to get home after three weeks of camping.  That night we fell asleep, but at about 12 a.m. me and one of my brothers woke up and found it was pouring  rain outside and there was about a 1/2 inch of water in our tent.  We fell back asleep not thinking much of it, however at about 3 a.m. me and the same brother woke up again and found that there was probably 2 to 3 inches of water in our tent. All the while my other brother was still sleeping.  We decided that we could not stay in the tent, floating about.  So we decided to go into our camper whether my parents liked it or not.
             Those were the two most memorable experiences in terms of camping that I can remember.  I am sure that there are many more that I cannot recall. All in all it is great to go camping, however there is always something that goes wrong every time we go camping.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

First Blog and Blog Post Ever

         After about 30 minutes of trying to get a blog set up for myself I finally did and I am ready to blog.  I am not going to lie to you, I am actually kind of nervous about my first blog post ever.  I am now entering the deep and complex of blogging.  I have always read a lot of different blogs but I never really took in to consideration the time and effort that is required for one to blog.
        One paragraph into writing this post leaves me wondering how people can keep up with this on a regular basis.  I guess I wouldn't mind doing this if it were every few weeks or so, but all to often I see people updating their blogs sometimes almost everyday, which always leaves me scratching my head.
        Also, I consider myself kind of busy compared to the rest of the world. Then when I see someone that I consider busy blogging, I always wonder to myself why they are blogging.  I mean I can understand if blogging is part of your job, but I sometimes see people who already have a job, blogging like it is there job.
       So as I wind down this post, I wonder to myself if blogging should be a top priority in some peoples lives, or should they be focusing on their families or their jobs.  All in all, I really don't mind blogging and I actually think it is interesting, but I sometimes wonder if bloggers are using their time wisely.